

Static files

Serving static files with pub-server

When pub-server is running it will serve static files according to opts.staticPaths in pub-config.

opts.staticPaths = [
{ path:   './img',
  route:  '/images',
  depth:  3,
  glob:   '**/*.{jpg,gif,png}' },

{ path:   './static',
  glob:   '**/*.{css,js}' } ];

opts.injectCss: [ '/css/stylesheet1.css', '/css/stylessheet2.css' ],
opts.injectJs: [ '/js/library1.js', '/js/library2.js' ],

This config will serve images located up to 3 levels under ./img when browsers request urls starting with /images/....

The config will also serve all .js and .css files located in '/static/js' and '/static/css', and explicitly inject 2 of each into the HTML using opts.injectCss and opts.injectJs.

The .glob minimatch pattern is used to test every file for matches.

The server ignores directories and files starting with . and node_modules unless they are explicitly served as single files (see below).

Static directories may exist inside packages like the default doc theme and pub-pkg-editor. This explains how jQuery and other files are made available when you run pub on the command line.

HINT: To see which directories are being served, you can turn on console debug output just for statics by setting DEBUG='pub:static'. For a JSON list of all static files, query the server at http://localhost:3001/admin/statics.

If there is no pub-config, pub-server will also serve static files from the first level of the current directory, or you can point to a directory containing static files with the command line pub -s <dir>. (note lower-case s)

Static directory scan

Unlike express which reads the file system on each request, pub-server serves static files by scanning static paths on startup, and subsequently serving only those paths which were found in the scan. A watcher can be configured to trigger a re-scan of the path when new files arrive.

This allows pub-server to "mount" many static paths for all the included packages, and to serve single files (like favicons) mounted on root, without stat'ing the file system on each path for each request

For more details see server/serve-statics.js.

Serving single files and injecting CSS or JS

A staticPaths entry can point either to a directory or to a single file.

The following will include all files under ./static as well as 2 dot files necessary for GitHub Pages.

staticPaths: [ './static', '.gitignore', '.nojekyll' ]

Adding inject:true on single file paths will inject a CSS <link> or JS <script> as in this example from pub-theme-brief.

staticPaths: [ {path:'./css/brief.css', route:'/css', inject:true }, {path:'./js/brief.js', route:'/js', inject:true } ]

Publishing static files

pub -O will copy static files from all staticPaths to the output destination when a website is generated.

This behavior uses the same configuration with depth and glob patterns to prevent unnecessary files from being copied.

Static-only mode

pub -S <dir> runs pub-server in static-only mode, serving ONLY static files from any directory. It mimics the behavior of GitHub Pages, looking for index.html files in folders, and redirecting from /folder-name to /folder-name/

This is especially useful for testing static HTML containing relative links. E.g. if ./out holds your generated site and you do pub -S . you can navigate to http://localhost:3001/out/ to test the site as if it were hosted in a subdirectory on the server.

See Links for details about configuring pub-server to generate relative links.

powered by pub-server and pub-theme-doc