pub -O
generates a complete site including .html files generated from markdown, Browser Scripts, and copies of Static Files.
The output destination defaults to ./out
Usually pub-config
will contain a single outputs
configuration with the path and any other output-specific settings.
outputs: {
path: './tgt',
relPaths: true,
fileMap: true,
outputAliases: true,
omitRoutes: ['/img'],
fqImages: { route:'/img', url:'https://techxlab.github.io' }
overrideOpts: {
appUrl: 'https://www.fmctraining.com',
production:true }
overrides the default output destination directory
converts all internal URLs to relative paths. This is very helpful if you want to open the generated HTML files by opening them in a browser directly from the file system.
can be use to omit directories which a not required in the output e.g. image directories hosted at a different CDN endpoint.
specifies a route pattern for URLs which will be rewritten e.g. to point to a different host or CDN endpoint.
used to specify output-specific opts e.g. to generate production HTML from a non-production environment.
output a manifest of pages, statics, and scripts in filemap.json
output html files and filemap entries for aliases using a template called 'redirect' (not automatically provided) - useful for redirects on some static hosts like GitHub Pages.