

How it works


All text-content lives in markdown fragments inside text files in one or more sources. Fragments in the same file are separated by a delimiter like

---- /page-1 ----

pub-generator compiles markdown fragments into javascript objects which are rendered to HTML by applying handlebars templates.


Sources are directories in your project or inside a theme package. Source directories are scanned, and new files picked up automatically when the source is read.

Handlebars templates live in files in sources just like markdown text. In fact, templates and markdown may live together in the same source file as long as each is clearly identified e.g. (simplified content)

---- /page-1 ----

page1 markdown text...

---- /main-layout.hbs ----


pages and fragments

There are 2 kinds of markdown content:

  1. pages have a "normal" page url or href. e.g. /pages/about-us
  2. fragments have an href with a fragment #id. e.g. /blog/2014/year-in-review#conclusions

The href may be specified in a header at the top of the markdown like the examples above or derived from the source path: E.g. a file /md/pages/About may become /pages/about-us assuming /md is the source.

Filenames are turned into urls by slugifying i.e. lowercasing and converting non-alphanumeric characters into hyphens.

In addition to having an href, all pages and fragments may acquire additional metadata from their markdown headers. E.g to set a title for the home page, add the following at the top of the file.

---- / ----
title: Introduction

**pub-server** is a lightweight content management tool for publishing on the web

templates and rendering

pub-server invokes compiled templates to render pages.

Page or fragment objects provide the input "context" for handlebars. E.g. If a template contains {{title}}, handlebars will look for a .title property on the current page or fragment object and insert the value of that property into the html output.

Template evaluation is performed in a nested manner

  • The outer layout template will include a helper like {{{renderPage}}}
  • This invokes an inner page template which may render the page markdown using {{{html}}} or it may iterate over page-fragments using a block helper like {{{#eachFragment}}}...{{{/eachFragment}}}

Templates may be explicitly specified. E.g. to use an outer template called hero instead of the default 'main-layout', specify layout:hero in the markdown header. Similarly, to use a page layout called flow, specify template:flow in the markdown header.


Before rendering (or every time a source is modified) the generator does:

  • read text files in order from all (or just the modified) sources
  • pre-process each file into one or more fragments
  • compile .md fragments into arrays of javascript objects
  • compile .hbs fragments into handlebars templates
  • emit events which can trigger additional processing by plugins

Page-fragments are automatically attached to pages during compilation. This makes it easy for templates to iterate over the fragments in a page during rendering.

powered by pub-server and pub-theme-doc